The Word for this Strange Moment in Time

I want to propose a word that almost perfectly describes the actions of government bureaus and most government officials and an increasing percentage of so-called professionals: Specious Apparently good or right though lacking any real merit. Superficially pleasing only; no true content. A marvelous word, really, though a shame that Read more…

An Honest Election?

There is so much that could be said on this topic: an honest [American] election. However, I’m going to keep it simple. Jimmy Carter, former American president, Nobel Peace Prize winner, etc, among other things has an outfit whose service (to nations) is to guarantee honest and accurate election results. Read more…

Rule of the Sheep

“Don’t just teach your children to read… teach them to question everything that they read… teach them to question everything.”             – George Carlin                (Great American Philosopher, aka, Successful Comedian) In Germany of the 1930’s, the intellectuals and Read more…

What are They Liberating?

This is the other half of what is really a two-part posting, first questioning the modern “conservative” movement, now performing similar surgery on the so-called “liberals.” First, a definition: liberal: per the Oxford English Dictionary(1) 1. open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values. “they have Read more…