Neither Left nor Right…

“Neither Left nor Right, I’m just staying home tonight, Getting lost in that hopeless little screen” ~ Leonard Cohen Democrary is Coming to the USA   Besides “rules,” I also don’t do political parties or political affiliations. “A Pox on Both Your Houses!” ~ William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet I’ve Read more…

What Democracy?

I get (a little) annoyed with Americans and especially American Politicians  (who ought to be professionals in their craft) who talk about their “democracy.” It’s not a democracy. It never was. It’s a Constitutional Republic. Completely and totally different animal. My opinion is that any one who doesn’t know that Read more…

Telephone Polling

There was once a rather important part of politics and Good Government, called the “let’s get a report card,” or telephone polling. You can see it in some of the episodes of West Wing, for example and other political  / pseudo-political fiction and docu-dramas. BUT… that was before all this scam Read more…

How is That My Problem?

Sometimes I use words that are perfectly ordinary words — to me — defined in any quality dictionary(1), but some listener / reader comes back all offended. How dare you use that word!? How dare you? Don’t you know blah-blah-blah? Well, golly gee wiz, Mrs. Grundy(2). You find certain words offensive? Alright… Read more…