Telephone Polling

There was once a rather important part of politics and Good Government, called the “let’s get a report card,” or telephone polling. You can see it in some of the episodes of West Wing, for example and other political  / pseudo-political fiction and docu-dramas. BUT… that was before all this scam Read more…

Subject to Applicable Laws

I just noticed the most extraordinary statement on a DVD (which movie is not relevant). “No copying, Subject to applicable laws.” Aside from being an incomplete sentence, and mispunctuated to boot — does that invalidate it as a binding legal statement? — aside from all that, it’s a silly statement. Read more…

How is That My Problem?

Sometimes I use words that are perfectly ordinary words — to me — defined in any quality dictionary(1), but some listener / reader comes back all offended. How dare you use that word!? How dare you? Don’t you know blah-blah-blah? Well, golly gee wiz, Mrs. Grundy(2). You find certain words offensive? Alright… Read more…

The Glass is Half…

Some one just said the most marvelous thing to me, apropos of what doesn’t matter. It stands by itself. When people say the glass is half empty or the glass is half full, they forget: it’s a glass; you can refill it! Wow. [30]  

The Word for this Strange Moment in Time

I want to propose a word that almost perfectly describes the actions of government bureaus and most government officials and an increasing percentage of so-called professionals: Specious Apparently good or right though lacking any real merit. Superficially pleasing only; no true content. A marvelous word, really, though a shame that Read more…

“Family” Movies

Just a quick question: When (the heck!) did “family movies” become PG rated? To put it another way: when did violence and “questionable” content become “family” material? Try to find a “G” rated movie these days. G-rating seems to have gone the way of 8-tracks and floppy disks(1). Personally, I Read more…

That Which We Tolerate

There are a lot of things in this website that I complain about (point out, think over, mumble around, hope some of you will get enthused over helping to change and improve…), but here’s the fundamental question: How did all that happen? How could any thinking, rational, emotionally mature(1) person Read more…