The Sun

Did you ever stop to notice that the Sun is the source of all shadows? Wihtout light there are no shadows. Ah, but we turn on a flashlight? Yes? No: that flashlight is using energy that ultimately came from the sun. So, it’s still the sun. Ok, then, what about Read more…

Date Line — 19 April 2023

Wow. The “news” today is startling in several ways.(1) Fox News has agreed to pay $767 million for “false news reporting” charges (47% of the damages requested), against a maker of voting machines for implying that they are crooked. Part of the report reflects back to previous articles that demonstrating Read more…

Dateline April 2023

Strange News in the World today. Most of it, even as honestly reported as can be found, is moderately alarming, moderately disappointing, as Humanity continues with all it’s unconscious behaviors. That said,  here are my thoughts on a few selected items from Today’s News — 7 April 2023.   MidEast Read more…

Yet Another School Shooting

Yet another school shooting. Really doesn’t matter which one I’m referring to — or have in my mind as I write this — when ever you are reading this, there unfortunately will be a current one. Do you know — some of you may even remember — that there was Read more…

Imponderables as 2022 Ends

Just some thoughts as 2022 winds down. All artificial sweeteners have now been implicated in various forms of dementia / senility, not just aspertaime. Why are they still legal? Why is aspertaime legal, when it kills, maimes and debilitates so many people every year? (In fact, in many countries it is Read more…

You Can’t Do That

So I was speaking with a friend a night or eight ago and we were talking about how often legislation backfires on the legislators and especially on Society, how such legislation often causes the very problem(s) it was meant to prevent, and I heard my self say: You can’t legislate Read more…

Citizens vs Subjects

Just a thing to ponder… Subjects are controlled by their government (King, Council, Parliament, Proconsul, Congress, what ever) Citizens control their government. Dumb-funnies are those who (among other things) wonder aimlessly and planlessly into the capital building thinking, thereby, to take over the government. Or perhaps believe they will “start Read more…