Diet and Long Life

A new study suggests that cutting calories by 12% might help people live longer and healthier lives. Excuse me! This is a fact that’s been KNOWN for 1000s of years(1), clearly demonstrated  in studies over and over in the last century all over the place. And — frankly — is Read more…

Tripledemic? Really?

(This one is a little less formal… just some thoughts concerning the latest “news item”) Tripledemic? Nice word. New word. Never existed before. And INSTANTLY every one is in fear of it. Yet, even Yahoo admits it’s only a possibility! Not a reality… at least not yet. Panic over something Read more…

Official Numbers — bah!

In my county (or some county, at least) there is a regular email that goes out reporting on the local status of COVID. Here’s a section of the heart of the latest (as I write this) report: * There were 27 new COVID-19 cases reported Wednesday and Thursday for a total Read more…

I *Can’t* Keep You Safe

There’s this Big Thread in our culture about companies, neighbors, businesses “keeping you safe.” Doing things / not doing things in order to keep you safe. Whether that’s restricting your ability smoke near my door, requiring a CoVid mask, putting up a railing in all the right places, or what ever. Read more…

Anti-Health Practice

Out walking this morning I came across a Red Cross coach… some kind of big bus thing converted to some use of the Red Cross’. I assume drawing blood or some such thing. There was no signage out, no identification of why they were there. Okay… it’s got red cross Read more…

Why Expect Anything Else?

Considering that it takes 15, 18, even as much as 30 years to reach our physical peak, why do we think that a few weeks of exercise should restore the “damage” done by lounging on the sofa for a decade or two? You know what I mean? [30]

How Sweet It Is!

Some of you will remember Jackie Gleason the actor and comedian, many of you will not. He’s part of this posting for two reasons, his famous line “How Sweet It Is!” after drinking a little from the cup of “coffee” he would be given shortly after getting out on stage, Read more…


I think I was 12 years old the first time it dawned on me what “kills 99.9% of all germs means.” I was spraying a can of “disinfectant” around, per my mom’s instructions, because the basement had flooded, flood handled but now things might be growing in the damp cinder Read more…