I’ll Never Buy That

Advertisers: stop it. You talk yourselves out of a sale, every time you try to coerce instead of convince. I never yield to emotional-based, irritation-based(1), slogan-based or razzle-dazzle-based advertising. If you can’t convince them with logic, baffle them with bull-shit. I became (mostly) immune to such stuff shortly after 8 Read more…

“Deep Tech”

I just came across the term “deep tech.” Apparently It’s meant to describe really, really great tech application / engineering. Such as why the new Space Programs are working so well. I find the term misleading. It’s saying that “the heavy, conscientious, thorough application of technology” is unusual. (Unfortunately, it Read more…

Postal Costs

So I ordered a something (computer parts, in this case) and it came in a United States Postal Service (USPS) Priority box. Normal enough. I open it up and there’s another USPS priority box inside, close to the size of the actual item being shipped, and this is also wrapped Read more…