Ouch — AI under attack

Ouch. New York Times suing Microsoft and OpenAI for copyright infringement. This is a no-win scenario. Whatever happens it’s bad. I am not a fan of AI as it currently is engineered. Too many unknowns, too much brute force and too much training from the social and psychological sewer known Read more…

Microsoft — That’s It Man!!

I have had it with Microsoft. Allow me to explain… (he said, with a theatrical flourish). If you read these post (rants) you know already that Micrisoft isn’t exactly at the top of my Ethical Companies list. Not since Mr Gates retired from control of the thing. Without his vision Read more…

Microsoft Eats the World

The holding company mistakenly taken for a technology company known as Microsoft now wants to buy Activision / Blizzard, for the staggering sum of $68B. Besides telling me that have way too much money and way too little imagination on what to do with it, here’s what bothers me about Read more…

Elon Musk vs Twitter

I see (today) where Elon Musk has filed with the Security Exchange Commission (SEC) to terminate the deal for his take over of Twitter, on the basis that Twitter lied. Well… they’re a corporation, of course they lied. But in fairness (sort of) it’s possible they (i.e., Twitter) didn’t see it Read more…