“Science” – Not What You Think It Is!
Almost no one out there in the Wide World — or at least the world touched by Mass Media — understands what “Science” is. I promise you, it’s not what most people think it is, not what you were taught Read more…
Almost no one out there in the Wide World — or at least the world touched by Mass Media — understands what “Science” is. I promise you, it’s not what most people think it is, not what you were taught Read more…
Recently I had opportunity (and reason) to watch 3 different versions of the same movie: Ten Little Indians(1), based on Agatha Christie’s play and book of the same name. 1965 with Wilfrid Hyde Wight, Fabian, Hugh O’Brien, and others. 1974 Read more…
I was just reading an article (perhaps a rant, but the author’s numbers and facts seem to check out) that is really very scary in several ways. He brings up some things I wasn’t aware of. But I’ll just touch Read more…
I hear People come down on Google for keeping track of what one does, or for “listening” to everything one says while within ear-shot of a live microphone(1). Besides the fact that this is largely misleading propaganda probably put forward Read more…
I’ve been a programmer for a very, very long time. (Yes, before sand was invented, even. 🙂 OK, not quite that long.) I have been watching the standards for software design, implementation, release and after-market support spiral down the rabbit Read more…
I’ll let Linus speak this one… it’s pretty self-explanatory, and 100% correct, besides. Always… ask why? Ask how? Ask how come? Ask in what ways the data *might* be wrong? Who might have a vested interest in the “results” turning Read more…
I just ran into a most curious concept. (Well… “just” might be an exaggeration, but it makes for a great opening line to the posting, don’t you think?) “Alpha Sheep.” Huh? Alpha, in these terms at least, refers to one Read more…
Just some things to think about… <He said with a grin> 1 — In studies conducted in England involving Chemotherapy, in double-blind style testing, half the participants getting the placebo lost their hair. Belief, man… what a concept. So why Read more…
This posting is partly an exploration in how language evolves and sometimes has consequences we weren’t expecting. If that doesn’t interest you, feel free to move on. Actually, no — read it anyway… 🙂 There’s a term much in use Read more…
I just received another “update” from the Powers That Be in my county [“county” not “country”], update on CoVid. As with the previous posting inspired by a previous such report, I don’t see that these “daily briefings” can possibly do Read more…
Among a great many other things, I work on computers for people. Something that has always bothered me is that the client has to give me his password(s) for the computer before I can work on it. That’s a security Read more…
So, given the time of year ‘t is, as I write this, I’ve had several versions of A Christmas Carol playing(1). I just clicked on something (older meaning, not the new-ish one). What Scrooge experienced was in fact what so Read more…
This one will be short(-ish). It’s just a thought that occurs to me every time I’m on a cell phone call and the call drops, or every time some one leaves me a voice message and it takes 3 days Read more…
When I was a kid there was a lot of talk in the news, on TV talk shows, at school, and at home about overpopulation. How the world was getting just too crowded. That was with a population of about Read more…
There is a logo, flash, picture, etc. that all real estate advertising in America includes. It is detailed in a document published at hud.gov which has much to say about “fair housing.” What is meant in this document by fair Read more…
The 13th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States recently came up for conversation in a group I was with. This is widely held as the anti-slavery amendment, and indeed that was its purpose. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, Read more…
Ok, I harp on this a lot. But that’s because I think it really, really matters. Here’s why. Those who craft stories that get labelled Science Fiction have an obligation to make sure the science is defensible. Otherwise, at best Read more…
This posting’s a little different. It’s a request, to any and all of you out there who might want to take on this project. An amazing project. Our world is pretty gummed up right now. At least it seems that way, Read more…
I have had it… just totally had it. I just sent a message to my state representative (imagine that?) over some thing important to me, trying to ensure that it’s important to him as well. (Or at least that he’s Read more…
In my county (or some county, at least) there is a regular email that goes out reporting on the local status of COVID. Here’s a section of the heart of the latest (as I write this) report: * There were 27 Read more…