A true event happened to a friend of mine. It involves “Cheetos” but it is not about that product, nor the manufacturer and this story in no way is meant to accuse anyone or detract from any one or anything. Read more…
A true event happened to a friend of mine. It involves “Cheetos” but it is not about that product, nor the manufacturer and this story in no way is meant to accuse anyone or detract from any one or anything. Read more…
It used to worry me that Sports Medicine seemed to work so much better than main stream, ordinary, go-to-the-doctor medicine does. Then it occurred to me that of course it works better. In Sports Medicine the healthy athlete is the Read more…
Some people think Blind Obedience to Authority is proper and moral behavior. That anything else erodes a society. Martin Luther, for one (which is kind of ironic, actually, since he is best known for refusing a certain, particular Authority). Problem Read more…
Did you know that your cell phone End User License Agreement (EULA) allows your service provider to rummage through your phone anytime they wish? Look into it; it’s there. Same with Windows 10’s EULA; Microsoft reserves the right to rummage Read more…
Waaaay back in the marches of time when Television was new, some folks (such as the brilliant Steve Allen, for one) were very excited by this new opportunity to bring education to all people. Through a simple device like a Read more…
Cortana, Alexis, and the other “personalities” starting to show up on the internet and on your personal computer, are not AI. They are simply a different kind of keyboard. And they get the input wrong at least as often did your Read more…
You know when you go to “check for updates” in Windows and it says “you’re up to date?” Fact is, it hasn’t checked yet. If you click on “check for updates” it will almost certainly find some updates. But it Read more…
Under our system of government, as it sits today, Party-based Politics is a conflict of interest. You can not serve both the People and the Party. Not even your Nation and the Party. You may think the Party serves the Read more…
Just because someone can speak in front of large audiences or speaks with “Great Authority” on a YouTube video does not make what he says True. There is so much anti-information / dis-information [those are two different things, by the Read more…
We the People, in order to create a more perfect union… First two lines from the United States of America’s Constitution — the law of the land. Note: it says more perfect, acknowledging right there, right at the start, that a Read more…