Which Actor?

Just a personal observation, really, though one that as a student of human psychology fascinates me in other ways too. There are pairings of actors that I get mixed up. For example: Al Pacino and Dustin Hoffman. Val Kilmer and Dennis Quaid. Several others. I find though, that much of Read more…

Rule of the Sheep

“Don’t just teach your children to read… teach them to question everything that they read… teach them to question everything.”             – George Carlin                (Great American Philosopher, aka, Successful Comedian) In Germany of the 1930’s, the intellectuals and Read more…

May be Hot After Heating

I saw a package, frozen something-or-other by some company-or-other, that actually said, “caution: this product may be hot after heating.” There are just so many things wrong with that statement… “May be?” May be hot after heating? Does it have some super high-tech, sci-fi, space-age heat resistant packaging but so badly designed Read more…

Freedom From the Law

The number of times in a week (or even in a day) I have to click on somebody’s legal disclaimer, end user agreement, “we use cookies” announcement [by the way, all websites use cookies, and they are absolutely harmless. Deal with it!], “your mileage may vary,” or wait while some FBI Read more…

Open Letter to Microsoft

Dear Microsoft: Please stop trying to improve things. You don’t do it very well. Sincerely; A very frustrated Long Time User of Windows and Olden School Programmer & Software Designer. (So there)   P.S. you see, the problem is that you take things that, well, while they were not perfect, Read more…