“Deep Tech”

I just came across the term “deep tech.” Apparently It’s meant to describe really, really great tech application / engineering. Such as why the new Space Programs are working so well. I find the term misleading. It’s saying that “the heavy, conscientious, thorough application of technology” is unusual. (Unfortunately, it Read more…

Postal Costs

So I ordered a something (computer parts, in this case) and it came in a United States Postal Service (USPS) Priority box. Normal enough. I open it up and there’s another USPS priority box inside, close to the size of the actual item being shipped, and this is also wrapped Read more…

How Sweet It Is!

Some of you will remember Jackie Gleason the actor and comedian, many of you will not. He’s part of this posting for two reasons, his famous line “How Sweet It Is!” after drinking a little from the cup of “coffee” he would be given shortly after getting out on stage, Read more…

Highest Sanity in the Land

I find it almost infinitely distressing to realize that our culture has no requirements for sanity, mental health, rationality or intelligence, for assuming any of the High Offices in the government. No sanity requirements. Huh? In fact, if you look closer, we don’t really even have a definition for sanity, Read more…