Computer Industry is Up for Grabs

Sorry to say (or maybe not) but Microsoft and Apple (mostly Microsoft, of course) have between them ruined the computer industry and all its initial promise. They have turned it into something for profit, and profit only, while more and more blatantly screwing the consumer, whose ignorance in this matter Read more…

FBI Warning

You know those annoying FBI Warnings(1) that show up at the start of every movie on VHS or DVD? (Maybe even on streaming? I wouldn’t know — I don’t “stream”) Besides being insulting with the implied assumption that without this warning I would just steal all of their property(2) [as Read more…

You Can’t Do That

So I was speaking with a friend a night or eight ago and we were talking about how often legislation backfires on the legislators and especially on Society, how such legislation often causes the very problem(s) it was meant to prevent, and I heard my self say: You can’t legislate Read more…

A Lawyer Just Agreed with Me

I just had a (retired) Lawyer agree with me on two statements: First, 90% of all Lawyers exist only to protect us from that same 90% of all Lawyers, and Second, the Profession (so-called) of “Lawyer” is almost entirely parasitic(1). He went one step further and agreed with Shakespeare’s opinion Read more…

Category Five

Some times people come to me and ask if Climate Change is real. Or, thinking me an informed and intelligent person(1) expect me to reinforce their (possibly Fox-News-inspired) idea that climate change is just a conspiracy by some one (mysterious or not) for some purpose (nefarious or not). Or… what Read more…

Citizens vs Subjects

Just a thing to ponder… Subjects are controlled by their government (King, Council, Parliament, Proconsul, Congress, what ever) Citizens control their government. Dumb-funnies are those who (among other things) wonder aimlessly and planlessly into the capital building thinking, thereby, to take over the government. Or perhaps believe they will “start Read more…

Good News for AI Worriers

I’ll keep this short. “Important security updates” and all they can tell you is “something went wrong”? Are you kidding me? Ah, but! Here’s the good news: there’s really no chance of Microsoft ever inventing Artificial Intelligence, is there? Not when this is the best they can do! I’m a 45 Read more…

A Question!

Here’s a question to ponder. Hopefully deeply. Would you want Fox News(1) judging your life? Your private life, versus your professional (i.e., day job) life? I wouldn’t. There’s quite a bit there that could easily be taken out of context and turned into “scandal.” I’ll bet real money there’s such Read more…