Idealistic, But Naive

I can’t count the number of times I’ve been told “you’re very Idealistic, and I admire that, but you’re naive.” Or “sorry, the Real World doesn’t work like that.” Actually… it’s not that I’m “naive” it’s that the other person has become Cynical, and by adopting the culturally-approved cynicism of Read more…

Diet and Long Life

A new study suggests that cutting calories by 12% might help people live longer and healthier lives. Excuse me! This is a fact that’s been KNOWN for 1000s of years(1), clearly demonstrated  in studies over and over in the last century all over the place. And — frankly — is Read more…

Obesity Profits Sky Rocket

Disgusting! And all such words… Ozempic and Wegovy are new drugs for “stabilizing blood sugar” and “treating obesity.” With Obesity being the single biggest health problem in America, because of the incredibly poor (and getting worse) food supply(1), what do they do to fix it? They create an amazingly successful Read more…

Triple Talk

Back in the 20th there was a phrase called “newspeak” (from the novel 1984) which meant things like what we see in the news all the time now. Looking at Israel’s Netanyahu’s statement concerning their goals toward Hamas, he made the statement that Israel’s two main goals are “to demilitarize Read more…

The Sun

Did you ever stop to notice that the Sun is the source of all shadows? Wihtout light there are no shadows. Ah, but we turn on a flashlight? Yes? No: that flashlight is using energy that ultimately came from the sun. So, it’s still the sun. Ok, then, what about Read more…

Microsoft Eats the World

The holding company mistakenly taken for a technology company known as Microsoft now wants to buy Activision / Blizzard, for the staggering sum of $68B. Besides telling me that have way too much money and way too little imagination on what to do with it, here’s what bothers me about Read more…

Dateline April 2023

Strange News in the World today. Most of it, even as honestly reported as can be found, is moderately alarming, moderately disappointing, as Humanity continues with all it’s unconscious behaviors. That said,  here are my thoughts on a few selected items from Today’s News — 7 April 2023.   MidEast Read more…

Imponderables as 2022 Ends

Just some thoughts as 2022 winds down. All artificial sweeteners have now been implicated in various forms of dementia / senility, not just aspertaime. Why are they still legal? Why is aspertaime legal, when it kills, maimes and debilitates so many people every year? (In fact, in many countries it is Read more…

Tripledemic? Really?

(This one is a little less formal… just some thoughts concerning the latest “news item”) Tripledemic? Nice word. New word. Never existed before. And INSTANTLY every one is in fear of it. Yet, even Yahoo admits it’s only a possibility! Not a reality… at least not yet. Panic over something Read more…