I’ve been hearing rumors of a totalitarian document (that’s what the rumors called it as I heard them) called “Project 2025.” I managed to get a copy of the “full” document. (It claims to be the full document, but I have no proof that there are not other versions of it.)

So, upon reading it (actually scanning it briefly, it’s way too long to actually read the silly thing without taking some serious time, which is a major flaw in any official document, by the way — not that this is actually an official document, mind).

Pretty scary stuff, both what it says and even more what it says about the authors.

If the authors actually believe what they are saying then “delusional” is too weak a word. The document is expressive of Power and Energy and easy Enthusiasm (innocent enough in itself, though very young and hardly conservative), but also of a viewpoint that is very difficult for me to grasp. I’ve run into it before, this viewpoint and behavior pattern, and all I can say is that it’s insane, literally.

But then that’s what they think of everyone else, isn’t it?

Actually, and more honestly, what I can say is that I simply do not understand that viewpoint. It’s rigid, terrified, self-righteous, assumptive, extremely judgemental, intolerant… yet none of that really describes it. I never have found a clear way to describe it, but my reaction to it is always “very disturbed,” and “very afraid” because folks with that viewpoint are utterly unpredictable by any rational thought.

It expresses a set of assumptions that it further assumes everyone knows and those who behave otherwise are doing so deliberately simply to flaunt the “straight, narrow and righteous.” The assumption of one way to behave and that everyone knows what it is, regardless of their actual behavior is always a very difficult one for me to wrap my mind around. It’s both so naive and so blind. One might even call it clinical, seriously.

Frankly, part of me wonders if such people — on meeting them  — are even Human. I mean that literally. At best they feel damaged in some way.

Even Hannibal Lecter was more predictable than the so-called “conservative” mind set embraced in and represented by the Project 2025 document.

In point of fact, however, “conservative” is totally the wrong word. They are rigid radicals of the worst stripe. The very sort that took over Germany in the 1930’s. Ugh.

I find it also very interesting that this huge document perporting to be a conservative agenda never once defines what they mean by conservative. Perhaps that’s some of the assumption that “everyone knows”  this stuff again?

Conservative is cautious, but not afraid. Conservative is about preserving what’s been established, in the best way possible. Conservative is about cautiously improving things, over a long, slow period of time.

Conservative is not about a radical replacement of all government philosophies and procedures nor about the removal of individual freedoms. Conservative — real conservative — preserves individual freedom to thereby maximize and protect one’s own freedoms in the process.

Project 2025 is not conservative. It is extreme right radical. Extreme right is not conservative — too radical. Extreme right and extreme left actually have much in common, though they’d cheerfully kill each other given the chance.

And that’s what I can make of Project 2025.

Maybe I’m wrong (I hope so). But I’ll tell this much, it’s a possible blueprint for a hostile take-over of the American system by an extreme radical faction, the next time a “conservative president gets into office” (their own words in the document).





Categories: Politics