The opposite of science is not religion as too many science-ists and too many relgion-ists would try to tell you. (Do try to tell you.)

The opposite of science is superstition. Superstition can have an overlap with Religion. It can also have an overlap with Science.

Science is merely how things work. It’s a toolbox of techniques and an attitude. “Science” is not an abstration that knows anything, tells us anything or denounces anything. That’s what People do, not Science.

The opposite of Knowledge is Superstition. In the lack of data the Human mind invents stories to fill in the gap. Those might even be correct and true stories, but they are not based on data.

Real Religion is a specialty branch of knowledge that includes data plus experience. Mainstream Religion then also tosses in a thick culture, replacing much of what is actually known in the field with socially enforced Rules. Piffle… Rules do not make up for actual first-hand experience, knowledge or an understanding of yourself in the world.

Real Science is exactly the same thing! (Hello? You listening?) Mainstream Science also tosses in a thick culture — for free — that also replaces much of what is truly known with a lot of Socially enforced Rules.

Go figure.


Categories: Science