Reading the daily news (even from “guaranteed neutral” sources) is getting to be more and more an exercise in how the news reporter(s) simply need to get out more.

Yesterday, new study “suggests” inositol may be important in early brain development. I’ve known that for over 30 years, and it wasn’t news then. What is important there is that Human milk has inositol in it, and this garbage almost-food “formula” fed to babies instead way too often does not. I suspect the reporters were all bottle fed. Probably the newest crop of Washington politicians, as well.

Today, a cell-phone tracking study(1) suggests that folks living in cities are less likely to interact outside their social groups than are folks in small towns. Gee, really? Golly gosh and all that. This is news? You need cell-phone tracking to figure that one out? That sociology 101 and has been known for centuries.

I seem to recall a time when News consisted of New Stuff.

Ah, well…there is some new stuff.

  1. Suicide rate in America is up. Sad, but hardly surprising, given the darkness of the News, which fails to report all the Joyous stuff that actually is going on.
  2. Death rate from the “pandemic” is still there, officially, though the pandemic itself is not. Go figure.
  3. The news from Israel and Hamas has totally blotted out all reporting from Ukraine.
  4. News updates about Former President Trump’s many legal problems have been slim to none in recent days (in the sources I track, at least), blotted out by far more minor items.
  5. Crime rate in America is the lowest it’s been in decades, but that fact isn’t being reported on any news channel. Go figure that one out.
  6. Life expectency in the US has increased. Bet you that one isn’t the lead story on the “6 O’Clock News” tonight….


(1) Yes, they track your cell phone. They always have, they always will. You give “them” the rights to do so when you say “yes” to the EULA (end user license agreement). We all say yes to it, because we have no choice. Cell phones are not actually optional anymore, which makes the terms in the EULA not optional, so agreeing to it is an empty formality — which to me means those terms are NULL and VOID. But the Corporations and Mega Governments disagree, and they have the Power. Because the People continue to let them have the power, continue to not exercise their rights to Choose differently. Everything is choice, but too many of us have been taught (and the lesson stuck) that there is no choice. That’s one road to power: convince the People there’s no alternative. Silliness…


Categories: media