I can’t count the number of times I’ve been told “you’re very Idealistic, and I admire that, but you’re naive.” Or “sorry, the Real World doesn’t work like that.”

Actually… it’s not that I’m “naive” it’s that the other person has become Cynical, and by adopting the culturally-approved cynicism of view point, Lazy.

Remember what Vince Lombardi (football Icon) said:

“Perfection is Not Attainable, But If We Chase
Perfection We Can Catch Excellence”

But how do you “chase perfection?” By chasing Idealism. Drop your cynicism and recognize that your “this is the real world” attitude *is* the problem that holds a world of problems firmly in place.

As an exercise, in case you’re still not completely getting it, go ahead and define the differences between Idealism and Perfection. Go ahead… try.

So there…



Categories: Humans