A new study suggests that cutting calories by 12% might help people live longer and healthier lives.

Excuse me! This is a fact that’s been KNOWN for 1000s of years(1), clearly demonstrated  in studies over and over in the last century all over the place. And — frankly — is just plain obvious in any case.

What is it they think the multi-billion dollar Weight Loss Industry bases its “product” on?

This requires a study? Really? Who’s spending money on studies to “suggest” stuff that’s already so well known it’s beyond question? Can’t you find something new to study?(2)

Silly me — I thought the point of a study was to search for NEW data. Goodness.(3)

No wonder Humans still haven’t been invited to join the Great Galactic Council.



(1) Really, 1000s of years. If you doubt, check into the ancient Yogic and Vedantic literature, among others.

(2) How about a study to find out why so many already-well-known issues end up being studied? Or how many times a current Doctorate Thesis is presenting something already known, something I read about in High School decades ago?

(3) OK… there’s a possible “justification” for this study, given the new “weight loss” and “diabetes treatment” drugs being approved now (see a previous recent posting). Unfortunately, it’s not a good justification. There’s a possibility that this “study” is paving the way for these drugs and is in reality an elaborate info-mercial. That would really suck, you know? Down grades all studies and makes them all suspect. (Which — unfortunately — they are.)


Categories: Health