Disgusting! And all such words…

Ozempic and Wegovy are new drugs for “stabilizing blood sugar” and “treating obesity.”

With Obesity being the single biggest health problem in America, because of the incredibly poor (and getting worse) food supply(1), what do they do to fix it? They create an amazingly successful weight loss drug.

Well… that doesn’t sound so bad on the surface of it, BUT… These are based on a new class of drugs (glp-agonists) that are for stabilizing blood sugar and (per the reports) some of them also “treat” obesity.

Both of those, however are easily treated by a change in diet (and probably an exercise regimen), which would have far more wide-spread health benefits than any drug. (Including not getting either of these conditions in the first place!) The drugs will have unknown side-effects, only to be discovered in the years ahead.

Natural Diet works. Only you can’t patent that and you can’t make money from a life-time prescription for a natural diet. Also, real food is getting harder to get in the grocery stores.

Now they have an expensive “treatment” instead, that probably has to be taken continuously, that also allows people to eat more-more-more of the garbage from the so-called food industry.

There is no post-apocalypse or anti-utopian sci-fi bad enough that covers all of this.

This is disgusting.

Disgusting because the “cures” for these conditions have already been available, over the counter for decades, and also because they yield to simple life style changes.

Disgusting because Doctors take an oath to Do No Harm. How is fixing it so that you can keep on with your damaging adictions and toxic life style for years longer “doing no harm?”

Disgusting because now people will be investing lots of money AGAIN in Big Pharma for unnecessary drugs, voting drugs with unknown long term affects against a simple Life Style change that would actually extend life as well as quality of life.(3)

Chromium Picolinate(4) — available over the counter — also stabilizes blood sugar. So does Stevia (but the real stuff, not the garbage stuff packaged in the grocery stores(2))

Also… believe or don’t … I know the guy who created a cure (CURE) for diabetes some 30 years ago, but had it stolen from him (unfortunately “legally” — showing how much the legal scene can be trusted to serve Justice) and then suppressed, because a life time of test strips and funky drugs make far money than does a one-time cure. And really it’s worse than that; the same research was going to lead to other even better things, but lost all rights to his own work. <Sigh>

Why do we push and promote and even applaud Drugs over simple one-time fixes? All drugs have side-effects — that’s part of the definition of a Drug, versus a Natural Food or Life-Style based treatment.

Here. Try this on for a moment: How about if no doctor treats for you anything with Drugs until all possible life-style changes (diet, exercise and “recreational choices”) have been implemented first. You know — the way Doctors used to do things, 50 years ago!! Only then would they even consider treatment with drugs. Why should a Doctor “waste his time” treating someone whose life style is killing him yet who refuses to change what he can for himself? That’s enabling addictive behavior. you know? We sue people for doing such things in other professions; but in [so-called] Medicine it’s now “normal and expected” behavior to enable the patient’s addictions.

Correct the patient’s life-style behavior first. Otherwise, Dear Doctor,
you are engaged in CoDependent Enabling, and that is Doing Harm.
Your oath transcends everything else. Even the Law.(5)
Otherwise change professions.


Punchline: These drugs — and almost all drugs in fact — are for treating a condition rather than preventing it. Prevention is fabulously easier to achieve than treatment. In only a very small percentage of the population did obesity or diabetes show up as little as 50 years ago. What was different? Quality of food and level of exercise. And far less environmental toxicity, some of which is actually still life-style stuff.

So there…


(1) The problem is what’s now being called super-processed foods. No time here, look it up. And AVOID THEM! They are toxic in ways that FDA, AMA and all such organizations don’t look for.

(2) Yes, there’ve been recent articles (infomericials? Propaganda articles? *perhaps* real studies — impossible to tell) claiming that Stevia has bad side-effects. Actually, those studies SEEM to be about the grocery store version of this, whose major ingredient is dextrose (a sugar) not Stevia. Buy a Stevia plant, use it a piece of a leaf at a time.

(3) Like when NutriSweet came out and 100s of people died that first week. (I was there — I remember.) But far too much money was involved, and those people were already dead, so what’s the problem? Right? Geez… I could go in to the details — very well documented — but I have already in other postings here. NutriSweet kills, quickly or slowly, and can even cause Diabetes and weight gain, but it makes so much money… It’s also now implicated in the various forms of Dementia.  Ra-ra. Money-Money.

(4) The same guy who had the cure for diabetes strolen from him also did the initial reasearch on Chromium. He’s a very smart guy and was working for the People, not for the Profits.

(5) That statement especially I would aim at doctors in Texas. You took an oath to uphold the precepts of your profession. None of us took an oath to obey the law. Sorry, but one or the other has to be on top — in some cases you can not do both. Legislators who know diddly about health making health decisions… or your 10 years of schooling and training in a very exacting profession: whom would you trust?


Categories: Health