I can’t claim to fully understand the politics in the Middle East. I’m not sure any one can, including the Middle East(1). However… I have to say that — if the reports of civilian hospitals being used for war headquaters are true — the behavior as reported(2) is reprehensible and in the war crimes category.

Shame on all sides here.

Ok. Hamas isn’t a nation and they “started” this particular round. Hmm… let’s examine that statement.

The world has reached a point where there is no “outside land easy to steal” from some one else any more. Hamas and other “terrorist groups” have their own government, their own economy, their own resource and their own agendas. What they don’t have it a piece of ground that is recognized as their own. This is a predictable situation, as World Population continues to increase (over 8 billion now — disgusting!) this is a perfectly predictable development. Think of Nations as Corporations and it becomes obvious. When the Big Boys are all super massive, a “start up” has to use different tactics. This explains (in its way) what goes on with a lot of terrorist groups.

The other part of this examine is whether or not Hamas started this all on their own. The timing is extremely fishy. 1) it took attention away from Ukraine and Putin’s war crimes there. 2) it has weakened Putin’s number one enemy: Joe Biden, due to the slim understanding most Americans have of the situation and their susceptibility to their own News (so-called News). Also, where the heck would Hamas get all the materiel it used to start that initial attack? Thousands of missiles. They didn’t build them. They acquired them from some where.

There are obvious conclusions to draw here, and some of them might even be correct.

But here’s the real point:

In case you haven’t noticed, Dear Leaders of the World, civilians don’t make war. Governments do that. War is a thing attained only because governments have that same power mad and greedy attitudes typical of any 3 to 7-year old boy. So: Governments, Grow the Hell up and cut it out!!



(1) I say that because too much of what happens over there seems to be based on Ego and Childishness rather than actual grievance or rational causes. “Ego” is not a rational thing nor a thing that can be sanctioned by a mature mind. It’s childishness, and that’s a very poor excuse for War, though frankly it’s the only excuse. A mature mind knows better.

(2) One can not (especially these last two decades) trust that the news is reporting things that actually happen, and one can be totally certain that the Full Story is never reported. Still…