Did you ever stop to notice that the Sun is the source of all shadows?

Wihtout light there are no shadows.

Ah, but we turn on a flashlight? Yes? No: that flashlight is using energy that ultimately came from the sun. So, it’s still the sun.

Ok, then, what about nuclear power? Well… that’s from Uranium(1) that came from another star, who was the source of all the material that currently makes up our solar system (Isn’t God amazing?) including the sun. So… maybe we need to say “stars are the source of all shadows.”

Or maybe… light is what causes shadows.

Well… then again…

Maybe when things look darker than usual (like the situation in the world right now) it’s because things are blocking (or trying to block) so much more light than usual. You can block your own light — you can stand in your own shadow. But it’s still only a shadow relative to the light you are blocking… or resisting.




(1) Clarification: uranium is used in military / breeder reactors and is used to CREATE plutonium (all “natural” pltonium long ago having used itself up). Plutonium, produced in those “breeder” reactors, is then passed on to civilian reactors. Plutonium has a half life of 20K years, more or less, meaning that the stuff we create for reactors, which is good in a reactor for only about three years, then will linger around being radioactive for about 100K years… Woof. Anyway, uranium is still the source, what ever sort of reactor, and that came from the star that loaned its very stubstance to the creation of other stars. What a wondrous place we live in.


Categories: HumansSociety