The holding company mistakenly taken for a technology company known as Microsoft now wants to buy Activision / Blizzard, for the staggering sum of $68B.

Besides telling me that have way too much money and way too little imagination on what to do with it, here’s what bothers me about this.

Since MSFT already owns (in recent purchase) Bathesda gaming company, and have a gaming brand of their own, the FTC (in what has become a rare display of actually doing their job) tried to block the merger, at least until August. A judge however has ruled that the FTC has failed to demonstrate how this would damage gaming.

I want a full audit of that judge’s finances, stock holdings and a complete accounting of any recent or future gifts.

This gives MSFT control over the top three gaming companies on the planet, and this judge fails to see a problem.

Seriously… somebody got paid off.



Categories: Business