Yet another school shooting. Really doesn’t matter which one I’m referring to — or have in my mind as I write this — when ever you are reading this, there unfortunately will be a current one.

Do you know — some of you may even remember — that there was a time when guns at school were totally unheard of? “School shooting” was a phrase once that might have been taken for shooting the building, but certainly not for shooting the students.

It was inconceivable, not that long ago. Now there are dozens every year — many never reported in the [so-called] news.

There are many things that bother me about this phenomenon, not the least of which is why we continue to tolerate this behavior… and we do tolerate it, or we’d do something actual, proactive and rational about it, rather than just watching our legislators jump and down and shot at each other, and rush out to buy more guns ourselves and on and on.

Here’s the thing that bothers me most at the moment — the article I just
read said “police are unsure as to the motive” of the shooter. 

Duh! Insanity needs no motive. Insanity has justifications, but motives from such a mind that would shoot children simply will not translate to anything the typical “normal” mind can grasp.

“Motive” implies a rational, sane mind. Violence declares an Insane one.

“Oh insanity hasn’t been proven,” you say? Really? It was proven the moment the shooter committed a violent act. Violent acts are always proof of insanity. An “insanity plea” in court should be considered redundant and defacto (and any other legalese / Latin you care to throw at it).

Yo! Legal System!! Yeah, I talkin’ to you! —
get over yourself and stop letting people die while you bandy
terms around and play silly Ego games in the court room
and on the legislative floor. 

Of course a shooter is insane. Let’s move on to how sane is the society that produces such people? Let’s deal with our own responsibility in all this. We all did it — all of us. Our society produces such people and we tolerate that…

Let’s all think Sanity. Let’s all study Peace. The arts of war has been perfected to within a hair’s breadth of total obliteration. Gee, that’s nice. Whoopy, even. How about we now take that same creativity and prowess and apply it now to generating Sane Individuals and a rational society geared to everyone winning. It would a lot less expensive in the long run.



Categories: Society