I keep getting these emails lately … newest fad in BS / leveraging-your-ignorance, steal-your-money advertising: “the nn warning signs of dementia — number nn is really scary.”
Besides being a totally Evil way of marketing — leveraging your fear is just plain Evil, no other word for it — this is also based on massive ignorance and misunderstandings.
I’ll tell you one of the real signs of dementia: believing anything sent to you in an email you didn’t solicit(1). Another sign of dementia might be sending out such emails(1 — again).
So there…
Again, and again, and again: believe NOTHING sent to you by email, by shot-gun text, or in an ad or infomercial on the Internet. And very, very little of what appears on TV / media steaming. They are [nearly] all of them simply out to steal your money by the least amount of effort possible.
This is not Business — this is Theft, unfortunately it’s legal.(2)
(1) To paraphrase Forest Gump: dementia is as dementia does.
(2) Business is providing a service for which you make a reasonable profit. That’s all business is. Anything else is Theft. Unfortunately, the major business schools (in America at least — and the rest of the world seems to following suit) teach that the purpose of business is “to make a profit.” And nothing else. In other words: Theft… Al Capone would have run screaming — or started taking notes, maybe.