(This one is a little less formal… just some thoughts concerning the latest “news item”)

Tripledemic? Nice word. New word. Never existed before. And INSTANTLY every one is in fear of it. Yet, even Yahoo admits it’s only a possibility! Not a reality… at least not yet. Panic over something that doesn’t even exist, labeled by a word that didn’t exist previously.

Wow… Very, very nice. The News Media and Big Pharma have us well programmed. Baa-aa-aa.

I wish the news media was as educated as they are creative.

Also, I just did an Internet search on some questions such as “how accurate is the covid test” and several variations of that and was told that the test produces false negatives about 1 in 5 and false positives about 1 in 10.

If you think about this it suggests that the test triggers on more than just that one specific virus and not only on SARS-CoV-2. SARS is a whole family of viruses, closely related, though their behaviors differ. Accurately responding to just one specific virus is a bit of a pipe dream, especially for the Home Test, which can necessarily only be broad spectrum. Clinical testing can use the same home kit, or a clinical version of it, or it might do actual molecular testing, which is more accurate, but still not truly 100%. Almost nothing in lab testing is ever 100% — might 99.99% but never 100%.)

The “tripledemic” is occuring all over the World, so naturally I wanted to know if there is a correlation between the number of “vaccine” shots delivered in a given nation and outbreak hotspots, but I got nothing intelligent, nothing matching the query. However auto-fill-in on the search page(1) knew the question I was asking, didn’t have to finish it all the way out, so others have been asking this too. AND YET… there was no direct answer to the question. This is a behavior pattern I’ve come to recognize in the search engines, and it suggests (but does not prove) the results are deliberately weighted or otherwise tampered with.

Obviously, what I was looking for was any correlation between the “vaccine” (2) and these subsequent outbreaks.(3)

Tampering with search results is a known activity now.(4) It was brought to common attention (at least) during the CoVid “pandemic”, with such celebrities as Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, Bing and Google weighting / censoring search results, postings and articles that went against the mainstream — and officially sanctioned — think about CoVid.

Further, one just HAS to be suspicious about a new flu upsurge following a couple years of totally unprecedented profits by Big Pharma.. Big Profits are addictive, after all. So, did they release this new flu? Or did they merely encourage it, maybe with a normal flu vaccine that was a deliberate dud, which would easy enoug, or…? I am not claiming that they did. NOT. However, the timing is very suspicious. And even if it turns out that there is a correlation, that doesn’t prove causation [a fact the News Media really needs to learn], nor does it indict Big Pharma in any culpable way.(5) Still…

Of course, with 8 billion people in too small a petri dish some would say this sort of thing (pandemics, plummeting standard of living, rising death rate world wide, etc(6)) is absolutely inevitable all by itself. Natures corrects any and all imbalances, in time..

Ok… Not enough data! So all I can do is juggle around what the so-called news media is claiming plus the additional fact that they are saying it, plus what the Health Agencies are saying along with what they are not saying (often at least as informative as what they are saying), plus government stance, and so on, and see what patterns form.

I am not suggesting anything — there are too many patterns that form from the available data, which, frankly, is highly suspicious in itself.



(1) You know, as you type along in the query box Google (or what ever search engine you are using) suggests what the rest of your question might be. The question I was asking was already known, meaning others have asked it already.

(2) It’s not a vaccine, never was. It’s a prophylatic treatment. You can still get CoVid, you can still spread it. Just makes it less likely you will end up in the ER. (Odd way of putting that, yes? Well, that’s how Big Pharma was putting it — that is, they were expressing what the shot is from a Hospital’s point of view not from your point of view. Big Fat Clue, yes?

(3) It’s not a conspiracy theory and it’s not far fetched. The shot was using a biological technology never tried out before and yet has been test driven on billions of people. That scares me. The long term effects of such a treatment are completely unknown. Meaning, it’s wide open, and “did the shot cause the tripledemic” is assuredly a valid question. But only a question! There is no solid data to prove any connection or correlation… as yet. By the way, did you know that the earliest known cases of CoVid (medical forensics discovered this some while back) were recorded in Venice Italiy? Not in China, as was first reported. Did the news media report that one? Don’t be silly; the news media never corrects its mistakes, even though (in America at least) FCC regulations require them to correct false broadcasts.

(4) I had it spotted years ago, by some search queries that came back with “no results found.” Google never finds no results, but on one or two specific questions, it most certainly did. That was not proof, but a strong suggestion of censorship on certain topics.

(5) Not that they would be liable anyway, as all nations signed wavers excluding Big Pharma from any legal action for results or side effects steming from the untested / unproven not-a-vaccine shot given to billions of people. Such a deal!

(6) That’s not the whole story, however. There is also much GOOD happening in the world, such as a plummeting crime rate, such as the biggest decrease in American unemployment in 20 years, such as the actual death rate from the “pandemic” was scarcly more than from a normal flu season (especially if you factor in at least 10% false positive on the tests), such as… many other things, though the “news media” is failing to report any of that. The news media’s actual product has become fear, because it draws more viewers even than subliminal sex does. (If you don’t get that reference, look up “subliminal sex in advertising” — it became a main stream concept for a short time during the 70’s, after which the public mostly forgot about it, but advertising did not.)


Categories: Healthmedia