So I’m looking at medium business printers (aka, enterprise equipment) for some nefarious purpose of my own, and a friend of mine starts getting ads on her laptop for … guess what? … medium business printers.

Just to be clear, she was never looking at those. We do have some accounts in common and some remote linkages, but nothing that should have caused that. Certainly nothing that makes it a reasonable thing to do. (Actually, I don’t think there *is* a reasonable excuse to do something like that.)

Stop that!

It’s invasion of my privacy

It’s invasion of her pricacy

It turns me off of using the search engines

It turns me off of the brands who shove themselves into my awareness without being invited

How can that possibly be a good business practice? What if I’d been shopping for such critters as a surprise present for her? No more surprise. (Not likely, granted, but extend the case to include a more likely gift item.)

From top to bottom, it stinks!

There needs to be a way to totally opt out of the uber-super-omni-hyper-commericalism that the Internet and cell phones have opened up and far too many people seem to think is actually an OK way to do business.

It’s not OK.

Shove a thing in my face and I will bite your arm off and also find another brand of the whatever it was — assuming it was something I actually wanted in the first place. If it wasn’t a thing I wanted, I will black list both the manufacturer and the item.

Just to be clear, that’s called “back-fire”
you silly marketing people!(1)

Stop That!


(1) Another issue closely related is that nearly 100% of the time when I do research for an object to purchase (especially high sticker price) and then purchase such a thing, I’m stuck with ads for the thing I just bought for months to come. Let me explain this slowly and carefully for you apparently slow-witted marketeers out there — IT MAKES NO SENSE TO ADVERTISE TO ME SOMETHING I HAVE ALREADY PURCHASED! Waste of time; waste of Internet bandwidth [which — despite the marketing — is a limited public resource]. Irritating! Turns me off of your brands. Certainly turns me off of you. I researched it, I chose one, I bought it. I no longer need to know anything about that. STOP IT!




Categories: Business