Here’s the solution to all identity discrimination — the only solution that will ever actually work — but you won’t like it.

Identity discrimination: that is gender issues, shading of skin issues, slant of eye issues, length of hair, “class” elitism, political affiliation, spoken language and accent issues… all identity discrimination issues.

Here’s the SIMPLE solution. Stop identifying yourself as what ever you are identifying yourself as. Don’t make an issue out of it. It’s not THEIR problem — it’s your issue. Tired of being treated as “just a Woman”? Stop identifying as “just a woman”. Internally. In your head. Don’t buy into it.

Don’t like being treated as a social inferior? Stop treating yourself that way, and stop treating the “social superiors” (if there is such a thing) as social superiors. Treat them with the respect that any and all Humans deserve. Over look no one, elevate no one, diminish no one.

Here’s another way of looking at it: if you identify yourself as “woman” or “man”
then you are identifying the rest of the Human herd as “something else, not me”
and that is the primary fault with any such labelling or identification. It separates
us, rather than brings us together. That’s why labels are evil.

The solution to all this is not “out there.” Never was. Never will be. It’s an internal matter, despite all the programming you’ve had in your life that says it is a social issue or basic Human nature, or… It’s not.

Never was. Never will be (did I say that? With luck, I’ll say it again, too).

It exists in your life because it exists in your mind and your habits and your reactions and expectations (especially in your expectations).

Stop making an issue out of skin color — your own, that is. Stop making an issue out of funtional mamaries vs non-functional ones. Stop caring about the “first [ethinic] [gender] to occupy this or that office.” Who cares? What matters is whether that person is qualified to do an exemplary JOB there or not. What color hair that Human is surely irrelevant. More than irrelevant.

“Racial” prejudice exists because we each of us, every one individually, keep it alive. Stop it. It starts — and ends — with you. (Yes, it really is that simple — though that doesn’t make it easy.)

Stop buying “women’s shoes”. Stop buying “men’s shoes”. Just buy shoes. Don’t wear high heals because you are “required to” as woman making it in a “man’s world.” Stop believing in that nonsense. The world belongs to itself and is neither man’s nor woman’s, but the planet has generously allowed Humans to live upon it.

[Shift your perspective! Almost everything you’ve been taught is wrong… just the way it is.]

Don’t dress per your gender / class / ethnicity. In fact, lose all consciousness of those words and terms and concepts. You are not male & female / rich & poor / black & white(1) / a decision maker or a victim. You are simply you.

“The suit makes the man” … Total Bull. Lose that non-sense, stop playing into that game, and all related games; we have vastly more important things to attend to. Don’t get pontifical about it, don’t get missionary about it. Lose it internally, lose it in yourself. Make it a non-issue with zero attention on it. Take the time and effort to distance yourself from all the programming and assumptions that our [so-called] society takes for granted and insists on, in its own Herdly, conformists-club way.

And guess what? As you lose all awareness of this stuff and the baggage that goes with it, the issue becomes their issue only, and no longer yours. In time, as you continue to remove yourself even futher from that nonsense, and you get to actually living that way, the more remote those issues get until they don’t even appear in your world any more.

Yeah, it really is that simple.

Lose your own attachment to these concepts. It’s internal work, no one can pass a law to make any of it happen. You have to do it yourself, but it’s more than worth it. Simple, very simple, but not at all easy. The hardest thing in the world to change is yourself… also the only thing in the world you ever can change.(2)

I said you wouldn’t like it. 



(1) “Color” the way society and the [so-called] news media refer to them do not exist in human skin — shades and concentrations of melanin exist, that’s all. Even far (far, far) worse is referring to people by RACE based on the gradations of shade of skin color. These are actually varying shades of the same color — the color of melanin. A human being whose skin is actually “white” (like a high quality blank sheet of printer paper) is a Human being with a rather serious medical condition. Not superior, just sick. My skin color is based on the amount of melanin currently residing in it. If I spend time in the sun light, it gets darker. Did I change race? Leave us not be silly. A Human being whose skin is truly, actually black — midnight black, like under a table in a dark room at midnight — is not unknown, but is at least as rare as a big lottery winner. The only significance to that is that such a Human living in a northern lattitude will need to take additional Vitamin D supplements, due to the very small amount of ultra-violet getting through to the active layers of the skin (at which layer all Humans are definitely the same “color”). And a truly “white” (very light, almost albino white) will need to use more sun blocker, to prevent burning and / or skin cancer. (Though sun blocker can also cause skin cancer … go figure.)

(2) Another example: I’m not an American. I do live in the central(ish) part of the North American continent, though. Was born [more or less] in the part of the North American continent, but so what? What I am (unavoidably) is a Human living on the 3rd planet of Sol System, in the outer third of the Milky Way galaxy. Quite a priviledged status, by the way. It’s a lovely planet and a fantastically beautiful galaxy (look at the decades worth of photos from Hubble and now the newer ones from Webb) — really: isn’t that good enough?




Categories: Humans