I must be a little slow…

It just dawned on me that Elon Musk’s objection and attempt to back out of buying Twitter (which he has just rescinded of, by the way) was not because Twitter maintains Fake Accounts, but because they under counted the number of Fake Accounts.

That they are artifically affecting, creating and influencing the stream of consciousness that is Twitter wasn’t his objection.

Really? Wow… Would have been mine.

In my book, that makes Twitter unreliable, manipulative and Corporate Greedy. Like making billions profit every year isn’t good enough. (Would be for me. Honest! 🙂 ) And that, in turn, makes Twitter worthless. As it means that the “data” going by on the screen can’t be trusted as real opinions, or real statements from real people. Every single posting must be suspect.

Every one.

That makes the “service” (extremely so-called) worthless at best. Dangerous at worst.

For example: Twitter, of course, was one of the Big Services Putin was using to influence the out come of US Presidential elections, at least in one case he was very effective. Gee… can you guess which of the last (say) 3 presidents might have been the “Muscovian Candidate” ?  Put it this way, ask yourself, from Putin’s point of view, which one would be the most embarrassing to America, and the least challenging to himself?

Alas, and alack. So, as I said above, Twitter is worthless at best, and dangerous at worst. The manipulative are themselves often manipulated.

“Rockin’ Robin… Tweet Tweet”



Categories: Business