Disturbing piece of news today, about the Women’s Soccer League and sexual abuse and misconduct. Apparently (and all too believably) women professional soccer players have been systematically abused sexually by coaches, et al.

In the past charges were raised and generally dismissed.


The news article refers to it as a wide-spread problem within the Soccer League.


Totally wrong.

It’s a wide-spread problem within our Society. That the Soccer League governing bodies just dismiss the claims of abuse and transgress without giving any serious consideration to them is not a Soccer League problem — it’s Human Society Problem.

We did that. All of us. Until we ALL take responsbility for the nature of our (so-called) Society, this sort of inexcusible BS will continue.

It’s not a Soccer problem, that’s just one more place where it’s been revealed.

How many “summer interns” in Washington DC also get so used?

How about new/intern nurses in hospitals?

How about Cheer Leaders in all sports?

Note, too, it isn’t limited only to women.(1)

It’s OUR society doing this. Not any one group. Not any one (so-called) “color”. Not any one (so-called) “class”. It’s all of us. WE did that.

How about we stop doing that? Right now?



(1) In fact, male rape is common. It’s grossly under reported, even more so than female rape, for our wonderful [note: that’s sarcasm] society makes it fabulously embarrassing for men to claim such a thing.


Categories: Society