I just had a (retired) Lawyer agree with me on two statements:

First, 90% of all Lawyers exist only to protect us from that same 90% of all Lawyers, and

Second, the Profession (so-called) of “Lawyer” is almost entirely parasitic(1).

He went one step further and agreed with Shakespeare’s opinion about Lawyers(2).

Let’s say he impressed me.(3)


(1) Parsitic, not Symbiotic. A symbiote contributes to the general welfare of the host, while a Paraiste drains off the life energy of the host, often killing it in the end.

(2) Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2

(3) What was the point here? Well, everytime I get an email about so-and-so website updating it’s User Agreement, I can’t help thinking that it’s just Lawyer speak and has nothing to do with the Real World. Which is what started the conversation with the above mentioned Lawyer. So there…



Categories: Law