I use an adblocker… ever since I found out that they actually work. (Imagine my surprise! — But what a Major Joy!!)

Some times, though, I go to certain websites and they say “please turn off your ad blocker — this is how we make money.” I leave the site immediately. Even bailed on the New York Times when they did that.

Hasn’t it occurred to you-who-pose-that-request that a) you don’t make money by feeding me ads, you make money when I buy something from one of those ads and b) if I use an adblocker then it’s extremely unlikely that I wll buy anything anyway? In which case the ad is just wasted Internet bandwidth, which, despite the jargon from those who sell Internet access, is still a very limited public resource.

When you ask me to turn off my ad blocker you are stating very loudly that you have no actual product of your own, only other people’s products. That’s a sorry statement to be putting forward about yourself, and if that’s actually the case then you have no need for a website, do you? Stop cluttering up the Internet, then, would ya’?

I buy things when I have already decided I need / want them, not when the Dancing Cigarette Boxes show up on stage nor when the subliminal picture of hot dry desert shows up in-between the frames of the trailer in the Movie Theatre. When *I* decide to purchase a thing, then I go looking for it. Force ads on me for something and I’m actually likely to ignore that brand from now on, to put it on my “obnoxious” list, as I don’t like in-your-face behavior of any sort. Please don’t use your website simply as a come-on for the ads from other folks. That’s not a product, that’s parasitism(1).

Stop asking me to undo my ad blocker. It isn’t going to happen.

Note: I have ZERO ads on this website. ZERO. (Though I am considering adding a page for sponsors to have a small space to show their logos… but that’s as much as I’d ever care to do, and it will never be in your face, you [the website visitor] would actually have to go to that page deliberately, by your own choice!)

This message has brought to you tonight buy our sponsor
“The Razzle-Dazzle Snake-Oil Parasite Corporation”
… NOT!

the same goes for those popups that show up 1.5 seconds (or less) after I enter your website. Selling me a subscription, a sign up, a whatever… put that in my face and I leave your website. I do. So do lots of other folks, by the way. I ask around and I find others who instantly bail when that cr*p shows up. So there…



(1) Parasite: a creature that can not survive on its own, but instead steals life energy from someone / something else that actually is trying to make a living for itself. Parasites usually end up killing off the host, which makes them a very silly life form, indeed. Don’t be a parasite.



Categories: Business