Some times people come to me and ask if Climate Change is real. Or, thinking me an informed and intelligent person(1) expect me to reinforce their (possibly Fox-News-inspired) idea that climate change is just a conspiracy by some one (mysterious or not) for some purpose (nefarious or not). Or… what ever, on climate change.

I have developed one standard reply these days. It’s very simple, and it tends to stop the conversation.

Recall this: 20 years ago there was no definition for a Category 5 storm. They had never been recorded before. Now they are common (sort of). Now those who define such things are considering defining Category 6 and maybe even 7(2).

Think on that…



(1) my propaganda corps is one of the best 🙂

(2) There was c-grade thriller movie (cheap, rip-off, flash in the pan movie) called “Category 7 – The End of the World.” Well… cat 7 isn’t the end of the world, but you really wouldn’t want to be any where near one, all the same.

Categories: Environment