Here’s a question to ponder. Hopefully deeply.
Would you want Fox News(1) judging your life? Your private life, versus your professional (i.e., day job) life?
I wouldn’t. There’s quite a bit there that could easily be taken out of context and turned into “scandal.” I’ll bet real money there’s such stuff in your life, too. Yet, in reality (to us, at least) it isn’t bad stuff at all.

Johnny Depp as Barnabus Collins in Dark Shadows
So why do you let Fox News tell you what to think about Johnny Depp and the other Great Stars, Celebrties, Politicians and Statesmen (and wanna-be Statesmen) of our time?
I don’t. You shouldn’t either.
Isn’t everyone entitled to a private life? Don’t you want your private life to remain private? Then you must start by granting that privilege to everyone else.
“Oh, we hold them to a higher standard.” Really? Try that one again. You know of a higher standard, but you refuse to live by it yourself? You really want to put that out there? Really? You Slob…
Fox News’ product (and all the so-called “news outlets” in this Strange 21st Century planet of ours) is fear, drama, dirt and adrenalin. It’s not news, not any longer. Walter Chronkite would have fired the entire news industry, by this point and have gone looking for what the heck happened to the Professionals.

Walter Chronite, almost the Last of the Great News Casters. Can’t you hear him now saying, “You’re Fired!”
My point? At all times be suspicious of what you are being told. Their product might not be what they claim it is. Don’t be a dupe. Especially don’t be their dupe.
(1) Yeah, I am specifically picking on Fox News here, as their truth index is highly suspect. Not the most suspect, however. There are far-right so-called “christian” news outlets that holler pure fantasy around what’s happening the world — and I’m not talking about biblical interpretations or prophecies, but what they claim is real news. So, this applies equally to ALL news services, even the ones that honestly attempt to be 100% neutral.