Please don’t pretend for one instant to be surprised or amazed by the weather this summer.

As of 24 July 2022, America only. Please note that Europe is also experiencing similar dramatic and record-breaking temperatures.
I and a million other voices have been shouting it for over 50 years. Charts, graphs and rigorous logic have all beenĀ rigorously ignored. 50 years ago this could have been easily avoided. Fixing it now will be … more involved, to say the least. Perhaps impossible in the Human time-frame.

It’s the whole northern hemisphere, folks. By the way, in 1971 there was a record breaking heat wave in London, all of 73 degrees (with headlines “no end in sight”). No kidding. London never used to get that hot, even in summer. See that “90” sitting there now? You really think global warming isn’t going to happen? It already has…
Calfornia’s annual wild fires are already out of control, following the driest Jan on record, there. On Record!
Come on, people! (That is, come on Legislators!) How much more evidence do you need. Any one in Congress want to throw another snow ball as “proof” that “Global Warming” is a myth?(1)
BTW: air conditioners will only make it hotter outside. Truly. Swamp coolers have a chance to offer some relief without adding further to the human-made heat wave. Cool showers 3 times a day or so (not cold). Stay relatively quiet. That’s all you do.
Too bad IQ, and open mind and a minimal science background (like junior high level, at least) aren’t requirements for holding high public office, huh? Oh! But they don’t need those things, that’s what advisors are for, right? That’s what the office of technological assessment is for, right? Oh… wait. That office was closed many years ago, because they kept saying things that Senators didn’t like.
Yeah… That made the problem go away. (Insert strong explitive here)
Now I think I know
What you tried to say to me
And how you suffered for your sanity
And how you tried to set them free
They would not listen, they’re not listening still
Perhaps they never will
Starry, Starry Night, Don McLean
(1) That was a stunt some idiot congressman / Senator did a few years back. He gathered up a snow ball from outside snow (winter in Washington) and threw it across the room to “prove” global warming a myth. He should have had his competency to hold his office challenged at that point. Being too stupid for your office is a crime anywhere. The logic and the evidence are not and never were arbitrary. They are, in face, irrefutable.