A Question!

Here’s a question to ponder. Hopefully deeply. Would you want Fox News(1) judging your life? Your private life, versus your professional (i.e., day job) life? I wouldn’t. There’s quite a bit there that could easily be taken out of context and turned into “scandal.” I’ll bet real money there’s such Read more…

Neither Left nor Right…

“Neither Left nor Right, I’m just staying home tonight, Getting lost in that hopeless little screen” ~ Leonard Cohen Democrary is Coming to the USA   Besides “rules,” I also don’t do political parties or political affiliations. “A Pox on Both Your Houses!” ~ William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet I’ve Read more…

Elon Musk vs Twitter

I see (today) where Elon Musk has filed with the Security Exchange Commission (SEC) to terminate the deal for his take over of Twitter, on the basis that Twitter lied. Well… they’re a corporation, of course they lied. But in fairness (sort of) it’s possible they (i.e., Twitter) didn’t see it Read more…