I was just reading an article (perhaps a rant, but the author’s numbers and facts seem to check out) that is really very scary in several ways. He brings up some things I wasn’t aware of. But I’ll just touch on a small part of it and then do my own rant from there. 🙂
I believe this is important stuff to know. I believe that if enough people were to pay attention to the facts, instead of just absorbing the General Panic of the Herd we could stop this right now. And by “this” I don’t just mean the Co-Vid over-reaction, but where we are in History right now as a species and a culture, world wide.
Austria / Germany
In Austria, apparently, there is growing Hatred — out right hatred and rage — against the anti-vaxx’d (ugly term, meaning those who did not get the “vaccine” yet, or can’t get it(1), or won’t get it), growing sentiment that these people should be rounded up into jails and/or “camps” in the interest of Public Safety.
People who’ve had the Shot can still get Co-Vid. Will you round them up and send them to the Work Camps also?
Do they not teach their own history in Austria? Does no one remember what was taking place there 100 years ago? Almost exactly, by the way.
In Germany the minister for Public Health said (something like, undoubtedly it was actually in German) “by the end of the winter everyone will be vaccinated, cured or dead.” This is disturbing, at least 3 ways.
- It isn’t a vaccine. The Minister for Public Health either doesn’t know that it’s not a vaccine — which ought to disqualify him from office — or doesn’t care about how this language continues to inflame public ignorance and fear — which also should disqualify him from office.
- There is no “cure.” You can get Co-Vid multiple times. Like a cold. Like each year’s “normal” flu. You can get, and get it again. There is no cure. It’s up to your immune system to finally figure it out. Treatments / shots help, but in the end it’s up to your immune system. That ignorance should also disqualify him from office.
- Including “dead” that way, in that sentence, is inflammatory, angry, hateful and hurtful. Minister of Public Health? Is this a euphemism, like in the Committee for Public Safety (famed in song and story) whose real job is to Burn Witches, whether they were really Witches or not? This is almost encouraging the vaxx’d (another hateful term) to go out and find some un-vaxx’d and speed them on their way. Need I say I don’t think he’s qualified for his office?
Disgusting. Juvenile. (In fact, he sounds more “vexed” than “vaxx’d.”)
This is way too much like “the Jewish problem” rhetoric of 100 years ago. Way too close.(3)(4)
Let me emphasize: the “shot” (no matter who’s brand it is) is NOT A VACCINE. (There are actual vaccines in development; not released yet.) A vaccine prevents your getting the disease. If you already have the disease, a vaccine does nothing (at best, or can actually make it worse; you don’t get a flu shot if you already have the flu, for instance). A vaccine prevents your spreading the disease, because you don’t get it in the first place. This shot does neither of those things. All it’s really for is to reduce your chances of having a serious time with Co-Vid from 2.5% down to 0.1%. That is a prophylactic treatment(4). That’s all it does. Worthy, in itself, but not a justification for all the hatred, rage, and insanity surrounding this topic.
Mean while in Ireland…
Ireland has now achieved 94% vaccination of the entire population. Groovy. Applause for Administrative Efficiency. Yet… they are holding steady at very high numbers of new cases. As I write this about 5,000 new cases a day, for the last few weeks. On average, though, about 1 death a day. One. That’s 0.02%, that’s even less than the hoped-for numbers for the “vaxx’d.” (5)
I don’t know how these numbers are being gathered, how they are being reported, how accurate they are, which variants are represented, or anything else that might make the dance more meaningful, but these are the numbers officially reported for Ireland at the moment.
94% of the entire population vaccinated
The new cases went exponential(-ish) starting Nov 1, and plateaued out around 5,000 a day
On average 1 death per day.
0.02% fatality
More people than that die every day from all sorts of other preventable things. Instead of recognizing that, they are clamping down even more.
Alright, if you insist on continuing to Panic, try this on then: if the numbers have gone up in spite of all you’ve been doing, then what you are doing is suspect, and doing more of it is questionable, maybe even irresponsible.
How may are dying every day from other things, while this is almost not even going on?
Well, did you know that in the United States, for instance and surely other places, there are growing numbers of death’s because the medical system’s attention is so rigidly focused on Co-Vid? So people who need heart surgery sometimes are not getting it, or who have serious asthma from any of a 1,000 different causes are being misdiagnosed as Co-Vid because we only do these things over the phone now? Or who now have serious seizures because no one told them not to get the Shot if they are prone to seizures? Or… and so on. Growing numbers of “unexpected deaths” they’re calling it. Because politics in reaction to Herd Panic — which was caused by Media Scare Tactics — is controlling where the Medical Profession must put its attention?
How’s that again? Where’s the Rational Reaction to the Real Facts?
It’s up to the Leaders of any Society to calm the Herd, not to Inflame it [that’s what Tyrants and want-to-be Tyrants do, not Leaders], to educate the Herd and to protect the Herd, especially from its own Ignorance(6). Of course, this requires that the Leaders have the facts, are capable of absorbing and understanding the facts, can ask questions that lead to More Accurate Facts, and that they recognize their responsibilities as Senior Members of the Herd.
“Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.”
~ 1984, George Orwell

The “Children of Man” — Ignorance and Want. From the Alistair Sim movie version of the classic story.
“This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware of them both … but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased.”