It seems strange to me when I get to the end of an interminable checkout process on someone’s website (the bigger the company, the longer the checkout process, ever notice that?) to then see a statement about “how much money I saved today.”

I am stunned that — apparently — it’s never occurred to the Masters of Commerce that such a statement is silly and even insulting.

I did not “save money today,” I spent money. Duh!

One does not save money by spending it. Really Duh!

This is blatant, bald, shameless manipulation of the consumer’s emotions and an insult to the consumer’s mind(1). Actually, it’s part of the hypnosis the average person has been placed in to by hours every day of vegetative existence in front of “consumer media.” The consumer is manipulated shamelessly while in that hypnotic state. Politicians know this one, too(2). Bah!

In hypnosis the person tends to believe what ever he is told; no rational or critical thought need apply.

Your hypnotic state has become the basis for the modern economy. Snap out of it!

Snap out it, because in the long run this makes for a highly unstable society that must collapse. Snap out of it, before it does..



(1) Well… of course, it is arguable that the average consumer doesn’t really “have a mind” or at least, not any more, after several generations of saturation marketing, misleading marketing, predatory marketing, all protected by “freedom of speech” or “caveat emptor” style of thinking. The consumer has been beaten in to total submission. You, that is.

(2) Impossible to understand modern politics without taking this into account, that assumption on the part of the Big Politicos that the typical voter is in a hypnotic state and will respond to any statement authoritatively delivered. Facts are not at issue. Hypnosis is. By the way: that’s not just an American politics thing, either.