There’s always this war between the generations. Seems like it, anyway. I suspect it was not always that way, but explaining why I think so isn’t in scope of this posting. This is just a simple observation.

The Old distrust the Young partly because they remember what it’s like to be young and partly because they have forgotten what it’s like to be Young.

The Young distrust the Old because they have as yet absolutely no idea how very, very much experience changes your viewpoint on things. (Also because they imagine that being Old feels different from being Young, which, of course, it does not.)

Also because no level of [standard] schooling bothers to mention that “all this data you’ve been schooled in, certified in, and such, just isn’t that important until you gain some years of experience to back it up.” Even an advanced degree just prepares you to become an Apprentice, perhaps a very good one, but still just an Apprentice. We don’t tell the Young those things. That is a failure in education, and it’s also a failure of the Old. Right?


