Out walking this morning I came across a Red Cross coach… some kind of big bus thing converted to some use of the Red Cross’. I assume drawing blood or some such thing. There was no signage out, no identification of why they were there. Okay… it’s got red cross all over it, it’s got various health messages all over it. And the engine was running.

Spewing out a really foul diesel exhaust (diesel is always foul — Congress has been promising to clean it up for at least 50 years that I know of… I wouldn’t hold my breath [except when actually standing near a diesel engine, of course]). I came back 10 minutes later and that engine was still running, still spewing toxic waste into the air, and still no signage or any other indication of why that bus-thing was sitting there. (It did look like it was long-term parked, like it would be staying for a while, by the way.)

Have they decided a minimum level of carbon monoxide (common to all normal internal combustion engines) and sulfur dioxide (which is what gives diesel exhaust it’s distinctive smell and health hazards) are now necessary in all blood donations? Not to mention the 100’s of other noxious compounds that are possible from internal combustion engines…

Truly, doesn’t the contrast here bother anyone at the Red Cross? This is not being in service to Health; it’s only fulfilling the appearance, the form, of being in service to Health, with out actually doing it.

Anyone need further evidence to deduce why America’s (so-called) health care is so far down the list of (so-called) modern nations?

Come on, People!

Just sayin’




Categories: Health