Sometimes I use words that are perfectly ordinary words — to me — defined in any quality dictionary(1), but some listener / reader comes back all offended. How dare you use that word!? How dare you? Don’t you know blah-blah-blah?
Well, golly gee wiz, Mrs. Grundy(2). You find certain words offensive? Alright… and?
Consider first that these are all valid words and secondly that I was saying something. If you find no poetry in how I was saying it, ignore the words and instead pay attention to what I was saying. Most of the so-called news channels are full of offense, in their case sometimes quite deliberately so; are you are offended by their lack of poetry?
Or maybe you don’t even know what the words in question actually mean? Is that a possibility? (Seriously.) Or I’m using one definition and you are hearing another one, not the meaning I intended(3).
In fact, your “offense” is itself extremely offensive, because it means you are judging the way I am saying something, instead of focusing on what I am saying. It means you are not really paying attention. In any culture, that’s just plain rude.
On a planet with over 6,500 languages in active use, there are obviously a lot and a lot and a lot more ways to say any one thing. It’s up to you to try to parse out what’s actually being said, yes?
So, how can your offense over how it’s being said possibly be my problem?
This is similar to the unlikely concept of “PC Speak” and how I feel about that nonsense, too.
Just a quick example — I’m not going to pound this one in to the ground. “Chairperson.” Very offensive term. (To me.) Why? Because it focuses on gender instead of on the job the person (man, woman, hermaphrodite, what ever) holds. It focuses on the very thing it ostensibly is meant to defocus from. Piffle. It’s an utter, total failure. Yet if I “fail” to use it, I’m some kind of a misogynist, by definition. No, I’m not; that’s your judgement, and that also is offensive. Extremely.
How about the words “history” and “herpes”? Do those needs gender neutral forms also?

“Mrs Grundy” the archetypal, self-appointed keeper of the public morals and general (and generally destructive) busy-body.
If you can’t stand the words I’m using, that’s a clue to you about things that upset you, that hold heavy emotional / spiritual charge for you and clues to areas of your life you can improve, gain more control over, release pent-up vexations about that are (most definitely) poking out into other areas of your life and leaking all over even your friends and family… and yourself. These are areas of your personal Universe that are in want of healing.
Take responsibility for your offense; don’t make it my problem. Especially since it isn’t my problem. Don’t waste the opportunity for growth and clarity your purely emotional reaction is trying to hit you over the head with.
By the way, Love is also a four-letter word. So is hair.
Your mileage may vary; no user serviceable parts inside. Don’t read this website while taking a bath during an electrical storm or while riding on any ship named Titanic or that might at some future date be so named. Do not eat this web page. Children under the age of 0 should be accompanied by a parent at all times. May be hot after heating [may be?]. My daddy can beat up your daddy. Tall people may have to duck when coming into my office, as it has only a “standard” size ceiling and doorways. I am no sort of professional (heck, I’m not even sure I’m human), so don’t take anything I say as advice or suggestion in any shape or form what so ever. Make your own bed, please.
So there(4)…
(1) Dictionary: younger people may not recognize the term (that’s sarcasm, by the way). This was a book that listed words and their meanings, all their meanings, along with etymologies (you don’t know a word if you don’t know its origin(s) and history, that’s just the way it is), usage, pronunciation, and many other things that online “dictionaries” these days just don’t bother with any more. “Information age?” Really?? Want to try that one again…?
(2) Mrs. Grundy, if you don’t know, is an archetypal character in Western culture. She’s the self-elected keeper of the Public Morals, which means she’s actually fixated on the very things she runs around preventing and/or accusing other people of being / having / doing / thinking about. Probably other cultures have this busy-body, destructive character type, too, but undoubtedly call her something else. Sometimes I call her something else, m’self. 🙂
(3) “Language is the greatest barrier to communication and understanding ever devised by the Mind of Man.” — Me 🙂
(4) Seriously, I don’t mean to offend anyone with this posting. Read the message that is there. If you feel offended by something (whether in this posting or not) it really, truly, honestly and certainly is an area you need some healing in. Like my offense at “PC Speak” is something I need healing on. Really. Postings such as this are part of my process of release and growth, part of making me into the best me I can, as the only gift I can possibly give back to God that might have any meaning. What’s your process look like? By the way… you can’t release your baggage by slapping other people in the face (or in the “facts”) with it. Just won’t work. Even worse, you stack up more baggage by doing so.