Given the Universal negative reaction to telemarketing, why isn’t it Illegal?

Someone comes into my home uninvited (over the phone, that’s still My Space, My Time, My Home) and then gets all entitled about doing so.


This really should be illegal.

In fact, for a while it was, *if* you listed your phone on the national (United States) “don’t call me” registry. This is no longer enforced. My phone most definitely is on that list, for all the good it does. So, I assume that it’s either no longer illegal to bug people on the “don’t bug me” list, or it’s unenforceable(1), and so is no longer observed.

Alas and Alack. Make it illegal (again, if that’s the case). And apply STIFF penalties. Fine for each occurrence. Jail time. Never get near a phone again for the rest of your life (except for calls to 911 as appropriate). Whatever it takes.

Telemarketing: What a Waste of Time…



(1) Which, of course, it always was. Who could possibly keep up with 100’s of thousands of violations every day? Just processing the fines would take a massive staff, let alone the field teams necessary to arrest and shut down marketing pools. This illustrates a wholly different problem, by the way: every time legislation passes an unenforceable law, they weaken all laws, make all laws look equally pointless, toothless and ignore-able. Bad policies affect everybody.



Categories: Law