Dear Microsoft:

On what planet does it possibly make sense to devolve your error messages and error handling from vague, cryptic but partially useful text to Something went wrong?

That was not how to “fix” your systems. The way to fix them was to hire high-level computer folks with excellent communication skills (a rare intersection, but they *do* exist), and have them design the error messages, reporting, handling and recovery, along with “get help on this error” links that actually provide relevant and useful help to the user.

Instead you further weakened the user’s ability to cope with your system.

Be ashamed.

Your obligations to a planet full of Windows machines (literally!) is to make them work BETTER, always better, especially as so very much of what keeps people alive (literally!) from one day to the next is now dependent on your software… you must make it better. Instead you cripple it, you bury bugs, you cow-tow to government agencies who know far less about it than you do,  you let too-young, too-inexperienced folks make your decisions and designs, you refuse to fix / update / improve critical frameworks and infrastructures, and on and on.

You work for your consumers, the ones who lives would literally come apart if Windows ever crashed and failed to get back up again. For the consumers; then your investors; then and only then anyone else who thinks they can have a part of your pie.


“Something went wrong?” Are you kidding me????




Categories: Technology