I want to propose a word that almost perfectly describes the actions of government bureaus and most government officials and an increasing percentage of so-called professionals:


Apparently good or right though lacking any real merit.
Superficially pleasing only; no true content.

A marvelous word, really, though a shame that it fits our society so very well. So much of what’s on TV, what’s in the news, the news itself, the rhetoric from Capital Hill or Parliament… computer and car and fashion ads. Health care ads and a large percentage of doctors themselves… the insurance industry almost as a whole. Talk Show pundits. News interviews. Face Masks(1).

Personally I’ve been more into the termĀ pro forma but specious covers the same ground too.

Here’s the thing: if it isn’t Real, if it isn’t Deep, if it isn’t your best and laced with your deepest emotions and passions, then why do it?

Though 99% of the Herd does it, don’t let your actions be Specious. Don’t ever just go through the motions. Make every moment count. That’s the sort of thing that can ripple widely and deeply both and make a positive impact in the world. Specious can not, and that’s the real Crime in a specious act: wasted potential.



(1) Face Masks are “specious” (seem right but are lacking in any real merit) largely because the People have not been taught the merits of the various types of mask, which ones are not good, which ones are worse than no mask at all (literally worse than no mask — the studies are on the internet), how often to throw one away, how/when to wash one, etc. The way “Those Who Lead and Command” (the world over) have handled the face mask thing makes it a pro forma / specious act. Without the knowledge, it’s just a blind action and can not be fully effective.