There are a lot of things in this website that I complain about (point out, think over, mumble around, hope some of you will get enthused over helping to change and improve…), but here’s the fundamental question:

How did all that happen? How could any thinking, rational, emotionally mature(1) person allow such things to come about? How did a literally insane society get crafted?

Well… that’s the subject of a book, really, but here’s something simple to chew on:

That which we tolerate becomes normal and expected.

Don’t confuse apathy with “adult toleration,” say. Don’t let criminals (legal and otherwise) run around because “there’s nothing any one can do about it.” Stop tolerating insanity and nutzery. Stop letting it be “normal and expected.”(2)

Just a thought…



(1) Emotionally mature: we’ll ignore that one, as it’s the real answer to the question being put forward here, but I’m driving toward a different answer. So there…

(2) Nor does that mean replacing nutzery with different nutzery, like — just for example — those who attempted to take over the American Capital building last year, apparently thinking that was some how going to be a coup on the government. Violence is only more nutzery. Besides, the American government isn’t a thing you can just take over; it’s too distributed, two unwieldy even to those who are supposed to run it. Ask any President who, winning the election, then and only then discovers how limited the office of the President really is. That’s why many campaign promises never materialize in reality (even in spite of executive orders and such) — turns out the President just doesn’t have that much power. Go figure, but do it calmly, sanely. You can’t fix “insane” with more “insane.” Don’t let “violence” become “tolerated” and therefore normal and expected.



Categories: Society