You want to put an end of SPAM phone calls and emails?

It’s simple.

Never, ever buy anything, take any action, or even volunteer the time of day (literally) to anyone who called you out of the blue. Buy NOTHING from an unsolicited phone call. Even if (especially if!) it sounds reasonable. Insurance companies, website developers, the “IRS” (who will never call you spontaneously), Social Security (who will also never call you spontaneously), “Microsoft” or some other tech company claiming your computer is messing up the internet or has been “breached” (which is always total BS, by the way — you can’t tell that from outside your computer)… it doesn’t matter who they claim to be.

Google does not call people to try to sell you anything, by the way. There are many small garage operations that claim to be Google and only want your money for no or little service. It’s not Google. Google is a nice, fair, reasonably honest company. Those who claim to be Google on an unsolicited phone call are neither Google nor fairly honest.

Almost never will the caller actually be who he claims to be. Almost never. But even if he is, forget it! You didn’t invite them into your living room. Even if they’re offering you something you want, the only good response is: “Get Out of my House!” Don’t even ask for a phone number to call them back at — too great a chance it’ll take you a faked-up business front and you still won’t be able to tell if it’s real or not.

Do no business with them. None. Nada. Zip. Zero.

If it turns out you do want their service, then look them up on the internet after the call or email is properly dispatched, and you can walk into their living room instead.

If everyone, or even just most of us, would do this, SPAM would no longer be a viable way to make money (by stealing it from you), and this stuff would stop(1).

So… let me put it another way. Every time I get a SPAM phone call, I blame, not them (who ever they are), but YOU! You who answer such phone calls, or who fall for the 21st century version of Brooklyn Bridge Deal. It’s your fault, for making them into a money-making business.

Stop it.  Do no business with these people. Even if you want to, or think you do.

Note, the following companies will never spontaneously call you (just a few, for example):

Social Security
nor any firm that serves millions (even billions) of customers / clients / citizens.

It’s not in their business model. But lots of other companies now have stealing your personal money as part of their business model. Stop being gullible.



(1) Same with corrupt politicians. Stop tolerating them in office. Stop electing unqualified people to those jobs. Those are jobs, with job requirements; is the person running for that office qualified? What’s his track record? What’s his Police / FBI record look like? Ask those questions, forget everything else, and vote for those who are qualified, by right of education and experience. Can’t find anybody who is qualified? Well that’s a problem, and that’s why voting ballots need a “none of the above” option on them. Just my opinion, that is, though.


Categories: Society