There’s a thing emerging, called “Long CoVid,” the symptoms of which sounds awfully familiar to me.

Admittedly, there’s not much known about the condition yet, though, in truth not much is really known yet about CoVid or the many vaccines that have been simultaneously produced and released under conditions of terrible pressure and limited testing.

The recent world-wide (almost) effort to create these vaccines has been applauded as an example of what “science” can do with free communication and world-wide coordination.


The net result of this “glorious scientific effort” is that a bundle of “Big Pharma” companies are making unprecedented amounts of money for vaccines that have been demonstrated to make some people awfully sick and even kill a very few — NOTE: very small percentage of the latter, but an unknown percentage getting sick from it — as far as I can tell numbers are not being tracked on who gets sick from the vaccines, because of limited follow-up with the folks who get the vaccine. Plus we don’t know the life-span of the vaccination, how often “boosters” may be required, nor has there been any long term testing of what is after-all a radically new type of vaccine: mRNA.

Right… let’s fiddle with people’s DNA, to help with a condition that is fatal to 0.2% of folks who contract the condition, and to which an unknown number of folks are “naturally immune.”

Right, that makes sense.

Sure it does… Piffle.

This vaccine was rushed to market without any real testing. Drug testing used to require 10 years and even then plenty of unexpected side-effects would come up when finally “approved.” We didn’t have the luxury of that in this case, of course. We know nothing of long term effects of mRNA treatments. We know very, very little about CoVid’s neurological side-effects that some people are coming down with.

Also, as far as I can tell, no one has studied the efficacy of simple Vitamin-C (say 5 to 10 grams a day) in boosting the immune system to do exactly what it does when given the chance.

But, of course, Vitamin-C can’t be patented by Big Pharma. Maybe I’m being too cynical.

Anyway… concerning Long CoVid, as a (now mostly recovered) victim of Chronic Fatigue / Fibromyalgia (20 years of debilitation, without any recourse to disability because officially “men don’t get those conditions”) I can tell you that these folks are giving a near perfect description of what it was like for me during most of those 20 years.

CFS / Fibro have never really been understood by the medical community. Though the CDC declared CFS a “priority 1” condition (back in the late 90’s), which means a crisis of overwhelming national importance, that classification was never acted upon.

Oh, and by the way [actually the real point of this posting], my journey with CFS / Fibro began with a bout of Lyme Disease, which is caused by a bacterium (a spirochete, actually) that apparently leaves behind a virus or perhaps a prion… opinions vary and the limited but ongoing research keeps digging. So, bought with a parasitic disease organism, which lead to neurological (synaptic?) problems for many years. Just recently recovered (cross your fingers). Add the descriptions of what Long CoVid sufferers are feeling — their descriptions, not the doctors’ — and I just had to add my 2 cents worth here. Hopefully the parallel will be of help to some  one.

So, short version, all I’m saying is that there’s something called Long CoVid, and it sounds an awful lot like CFS — to which I can testify, as a long time “consumer” of CFS.

Also… what we still do not know about CoVid greatly exceeds what we do know. Greatly. Now we’ve also added the vaccines which, though they appear to be effective for most people, definitely add more entries to the “things we don’t know” list.

I am NOT advocating against the vaccines here. They do appear to work for most people. They have also killed some people, for still unknown reasons. Fortunately extremely few, though some nations have pulled some of the vaccines for that reason.

In one sense, the entire world’s population is being used as a test subject for a radically new type of vaccine. Cross your fingers.

Short version, truly this time: we really don’t know where all this is going yet, and probably won’t for many years. That’s what the phrase “long term side-effects” means, after all.

Just sayin’



(1) Not disparaging the effort, nor the brilliance involved, only the term. That isn’t “science” which is the quest for “how and why the world is what it is.” The world wide effort involved a small amount of real science and a whole lot of Engineering. Like computer programming, less than one percent of programmers create anything new; they are mostly stringing together known “black boxes” that do what the programmer wants, but if the programmer had to make that black box himself, he’d (usually) be unable to do so. That’s low-level (or basic) engineering, not science, not art, not creation. Just implementing the known to craft a desired response from a standard set of tools. (Those who create the tools are either high(er) level engineers or the real “scientists.”) These mRNA vaccines fall under the heading of genetic engineering, not science. It’s an important distinction. Engineering is where the money comes from. Implementing what Science has actually discovered and made possible is Engineering. Never confuse the two. Science is always underfunded and politically handicapped. Engineering makes 10’s of billions of dollars a year in any given specialty and rarely has to answer to the same politics as Science. Science does the discovery that makes the engineering possible, yet has to fight tooth and nail for the resources that let it happen. Go figure… On the other hand, given what we do with most of the Great Discoveries, maybe it’s best that way, at least for now.



Categories: Health