I just came across the term “deep tech.”

Apparently It’s meant to describe really, really great tech application / engineering. Such as why the new Space Programs are working so well.

I find the term misleading. It’s saying that “the heavy, conscientious, thorough application of technology” is unusual. (Unfortunately, it is.) It’s validating the mainstream style of engineering as “normal.”

I’d suggest we use the terms “tech” and “engineering” for the Good Stuff, and use the term “Crap Tech” for the mainstream stuff. More accurate.

Much more accurate. Harder to sell the Junk to the average consumer maybe, though I suspect that would be a good thing. Let the consumer have some of the Good Stuff, too. Which would lead to more Good Stuff and less Crap Stuff. And that starts and Upward Spiral, rather than the typical Downward Spiral we’ve been stuck in for the last 80 years or so.

So there.


Categories: Business