So I was on the internet the other day and came across this ad for Banking services.

Actual, untouched-up ad seen on the internet Feb 2021
What the heck is “Cha-Ching” ???
The expression is “Ka-Ching!” Hello? It’s spelled like it sounds(1), dude?
Are you trying to tell me that 1) banks — professional, money handler banks — no longer know what an actual casher register sounds like, and 2) that they can’t afford professional proof-readers?
Further, I have zero idea (truly!) what “cash in and earn” a bonus means(2). This ad not only fails to communicate to me, it makes me suspicious of the level of professionalism in operation at that bank and/or ad agency.
No wonder the Banking Industry seems to be in serious trouble(3).
Ok… one of my less serious postings, yet it’s not entirely fantasy either. Mainly this is a failure on the part of the advertising agency that did the work, but some body at the Bank approved it. Geez…
(1) Or used to sound; “Ka-Ching” goes back to Olden Style cash registers, the bell that the drawer struck when it was sliding out, mainly as an alarm / alert should some unauthorized someone be fiddling around.
(2) Did they mean “cash in” or “cash-in” ? Those are two completely different phrases. Just curious…
(3) See one or more of my other postings… there are some far more serious indicators than this that the banking industry is about to walk off a cliff.