When we are growing up, it takes us 15, 18, even 30 years to reach out peak of strength and endurance. Why then, after sitting our duffs for the next 30 years or so, and then getting all excited to “get it back,” do we get discouraged when it doesn’t happen in just a few weeks?

Interesting thought, eh?

In all matters of health and bodily mechanics, I try to excise profound patience. Trust the body; it’s a professional at being a body. Me, I’m just a passenger, and no one likes a back seat driver.

There’s a Dan Millman quote from his book Way of the Warrior Athlete where he says, “The body will accommodate any gentle, persistent demand placed on it.” Note the “gentle” and the “persistent.” Don’t over-do, don’t give-up, don’t expect anything but what does happen.

Just my thought of the moment…  đŸ™‚



Categories: Health