I was reminded of an old(-ish) quote by the science writer, college professor, general Know-It-All, considered one of the smartest people of the 20th century, Dr. Isaac Asimov.

Anytime you watch a movie or TV sci-fi where some one is quoting that a robot “can not harm a Human, or by inaction allow a Human to be harmed” they are quoting Dr. Asimov’s First Law of Robotics from his robot stories. The movie Fantastic Voyage was based on his book by the same name. There’s a movie based on his Foundation Trilogy currently under production, and that same trilogy was awarded the first ever (only?) science award for Best Trilogy. In all he had his name on more than 500 books (!!).

Anyway, the quote I was reminded of was this:

“When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent.”
                                                                                      ~ Isaac Asimov

He was also fond of the quote, though it wasn’t original with him:

“Against stupidity the Gods themselves content in vain.”
                                                                                                               ~ Friedrich Schiller

(His book, “The Gods Themselves” takes its title from that second quote.)

At the time I am writing this, I don’t think much elaboration is needed to make it fit the present context.

Do you?



Categories: Humans